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To Stop Female Genital Mutilation We Must First Define Our Terms

December 3, 2013

13.12.05 031aa lexiconThe thoughts in this op-ed were published today (3 December 2013) in Women News Network There is no doubt that everyone engaged in campaigns to stop FGM has the same objective.  But do we all share the same meanings when we exchange ideas about how to achieve our aim? Here’s my first-draft lexicon of some terms commonly used in discussions around combatting FGM, with various suggestions about their possible implications for action.

There is no contemporary shortage of perspectives from which to view female genital mutilation (FGM). At one time the ages-old tradition of ‘cutting’ was known to few outside practising communities. That has changed dramatically in recent years, as the western world begins to realize that thousands of women and children in our own communities still experience this terrifying harmful traditional practice.

Few westerners doubt that FGM is cruel and must be stopped, but that is not how it is seen where, unspoken, the practice enhances the status of men and embeds the dependency of women and girls. FGM has occurred in widely different locations for millennia; it cannot be attributed meaningfully to specific sources or beliefs but it connects with extreme patriarchal societies. Genital ‘cutting’ is an element of sustaining women’s social inferiority much more entrenched than any singular culture or specific religious belief.

Addressing this entrenchment requires considerable insight on the part of those who want it to stop.

Traditional communities ascribe complex absolute meanings to their words and actions; they are unlikely to be moved by contemporary rational scrutiny of customs going back thousands of years.  The words we select to counter FGM are critical. They do not have exactly the same meaning regardless of the contexts in which they are uttered.

So what do words such as ‘survivor’, ‘mutilation’, ‘eradication’ and ‘abolition’ mean to different people? And how does the recognition of patriarchy fit in all this?

Circumcision?  Cutting?  Mutilation?
The World Health Organization(WHO) insists that all intended medically unnecessary injury to external female genitalia is by definition ‘mutilation’ and should be so termed in formal discussions. WHO’s Interagency Statement  states that this uncompromising term is appropriate because it rightly emphasizes the gravity of the act.

Nonetheless, consensus is sometimes fragile.   Various campaigners claim that using the term ‘mutilation’ fails to show respect for FGM practising communities, advocating instead the euphemism ‘cutting’. But language which implies respect for abhorrent actions fails gratuitously to build on the increasing, if often still cautiously articulated, unease about FGM even in traditional communities.

To be effective contemporary NoFGM messages must demonstrate respect for individuals – itself an idea contrary to traditional communality – but absolutely none for harmful practices. Describing FGM as ‘cutting’ fails this test.

Nor is the term ‘female circumcision’ helpful.  Its use may explain why in western nations teachers and others in safeguarding roles have not taken action about girls at suspected risk:  people mistakenly thought ‘female circumcision’ referred to another relatively innocuous ritual (which is how male circumcision is generally perceived).  This perception of FGM has doubtless cost much suffering and many lives.

Finding the right words in personal communication between traditional and modern settings, even between the conventions of different nations, is an on-going challenge.  Sometimes a colloquial term is required person-to-person or community-to-community, for a discussion or message to make sense.

Using the correct formal term, ‘mutilation’, in contemporary policy making has however become non-negotiable.

Survivor?  Victim? Just’ another person?
The term ‘victim’ illustrates the imposed, harmful nature of genital mutilation, but not everyone with FGM chooses to be labelled a victim. Nor does everyone want to think of themselves as a ‘survivor’ living with the ‘consequences’ of FGM.

Not all ‘victims’ are  unwilling at the time of mutilation. Stories abound of little girls innocently eager to undergo the process which they believe will confer adult status.

These children may subsequently feel betrayed on at least two counts: not only were their own (grand)mothers responsible; but they may later discover that women elsewhere don’t practice FGM and there is in the wider world a growing revulsion at the act.

Reactions to FGM are surely individual, changing as perceptions develop over a lifetime. ’Sufferer’? ‘Victim’? ‘Survivor’?  Who, other than the person concerned, can say?

Abolish? Eliminate? Eradicate?
All campaigners against FGM want to stop it happening; but how to achieve that?  Are they seeking to abolish FGM?  Or to eliminate it?  Or to eradicate it? While definitional debate continues, choice of words arguably indicates the approach adopted.

‘Abolition’ suggests crusades, as with, say, pioneers against the slave trade.  It could be the term to describe lobbying decision-makers to persuade them that FGM must stop.

‘Elimination’ implies an austere approach, perhaps applicable to formal action, police enforcement and approaches which may also focus mostly on procurers and perpetrators.

‘Eradication’ might denote a comprehensive program against FGM, as employed by, say, public sector workers. The focus is on both ‘victims’ and ‘perpetrators’, but also encompasses NoFGM professionals from all disciplines, whether working alongside practicing communities or tackling the wider contexts in which FGM occurs.

One fundamental rationale for FGM in many practising communities is economic: it makes the girl-child ‘pure’, so she can emerge into adulthood ready for the financial transaction which will result in her early (perhaps polygamous) marriage at a good bride price, cleansed by FGM of genital organs regarded as sullied.

But concerns about women’s imperfect bodies and aspects of female sexuality continue in modern as well as traditional societies, as we see with the U.S. American political right-wing positions on purity, abortion and family planning, or in ubiquitous contemporary medical surgery like labiaplasty.  Modern language gives ‘genital perfection’ procedures new names.

Nor are FGM practising communities uniquely cruel.  Western history has many gruesome stories of witches burnt, women ducked, chastity belts and even now the continuing sexual exploitation of children.

There are also confirmed reports of FGM occurring in the U.S.A. and in Britain up to and beyond the 1950s, mostly to ‘correct’ women’s perceived sexual impropriety.

Modern-day discourse mostly avoids the absolutism of traditional societies but, whilst the words change, differences between ideas may sometimes be smaller than we imagine.

Feminism?  Patriarchy?  Racism?
One perception of ‘purity’ and FGM is however unique to modern observers. We see that the pursuit of purity causes girls and women to undergo torture, with subsequent dependency and ill-health, in order to embed male control and supposedly ensure paternal lineage.

For many feminists FGM is the ultimate in economic patriarchy and oppression. Yet even here divergent understandings occur.

Some commentators, especially insistent ‘intactivist‘ internet trolls, perceive the words ‘feminist’ and ‘patriarchy’ to denote a position from which male circumcision becomes acceptable – a view they reject vigorously.  Rarely are intactivists willing to acknowledge that many critics of FGM (especially those outside the USA) are deeply concerned about any form of genital or other damage to babies or children, regardless of gender.

Likewise, for some intactivists ‘feminism’ denotes an automatic dislike or dismissal of men.  Critically mis-reading feminist analysis, they may also claim FGM cannot be patriarchal because women do it.

Cross-gender campaigns and partnerships to stop genital mutilation, female or male, are more problematic where such antagonistic notions hold sway.

And others, in a similar hostile reaction to feminism, claim that modern western feminists are ‘racist’, attempting to tell other, usually ‘african’ women how to see the world.   They may also say ‘cutting’ is a cultural matter and no business of westerners.

This interpretation of racism is, like assumed support for male circumcision, seriously compromised by the fact that most genital mutilation is imposed on minors who by definition cannot consent to genital ‘surgery’ – which thereby compromises their human rights.  Yet still the charge of untoward interference has leverage.

Similarly, discourse about FGM ‘cutting’ and cultural assumptions continues in the context of patriarchy and intersex surgery and so on.

Putting words into action
The FGM lexicon offers much scope for contest, debate and development. But words alone achieve nothing. We need action.

So that’s what an internationally disperse group of us have attempted with our “Feminist Statement on the Naming and Abolition of Female Genital Mutilation” and its partnered e-petition that addresses researchers and activists.

We want to speak clearly about what we observe and what we hope will happen.

Your engagement and support is very welcome too.

~ ~ ~ ~ ~


Readers are invited to support these two FGM e-petitions:

UK Government: Enforce the UK law which forbids FGM (Female Genital so-called ‘Cutting’)    .. and

FGM abolitionists internationally: Support the Feminist Statement on Female Genital Mutilation

[See also HM Government e-petition, No. 35313, to STOP Female Genital Mutilation (FGM / ‘cutting’) in Britain  (for UK citizens and residents – now closed).]

There is a free FGM hotline for anyone in the UK: 0800 028 3550, or email:

The #NoFGM Daily News carries reports of all items shared on Twitter that day about FGM – brings many organisations and developments into focus.

For more on FGM please see here.

Twitter accounts: @NoFGM1  @NoFGMBookUK  @FGMStatement  [tag for all: #NoFGM]

Facebook page: #NoFGM – a crime against humanity

More info on FGM in the UK here.

Email contact: NoFGM email

** Hilary Burrage is currently writing a book, Eradicating Female Genital Mutilation: A UK Perspective

14 Comments leave one →
  1. Toby permalink
    December 6, 2013 14:54

    Reblogged this on Speaker's Corner.

    • December 9, 2013 12:08

      Thank you. Do let us know, if there are any interesting responses!

  2. December 8, 2013 05:18

    The “intactivist trolls” you mention aren’t intactivists at all, but rather “men’s rights activists” (MRAs). Your statement: ‘Rarely are intactivists willing to acknowledge that many critics of FGM (especially those outside the USA) are deeply concerned about any form of genital or other damage to babies or children, regardless of gender’ is completely false. The truth is the other way around, in fact. Most anti-FGM folks I have encountered (including two prominent anti-FGM bloggers and activists) fully support parent’s choice for male circumcision. Most anti-FGM folks that I have encountered (you are in the minority) are against any form of non-consensual female cutting (even the ritual nick) while trivializing male circumcision as harmless. I have the Twitter and blog conversations to back up this claim. I have also publicly argued with the two prominent anti-FGM bloggers/activists and they maintain that male circumcision is harmless.

    True intactivists (not men’s rights advocates) are, unlike most anti-FGM folks, against all forms of genital mutilation—male and female. I have always despised FGM in all of its forms (even the ritual nick) and I don’t believe that the degree of harm matters.

    The feminists that the MRAs recoil from are not feminists, but rather radical feminists who do, in fact, hate men and almost revel in the harm that male circumcision causes men. Radical feminists do not care about human rights. They are against FGM because FGM represents the oppression of women by men and it is another reason for them to hate men.

    The truth is that, in many FGM-practicing communities, the men know nothing of FGM or the harm it causes. These men have never seen an intact woman. Women practice it on themselves because that’s all the men know and it’s part of their culture. This is exactly like male circumcision in the United States. American parents (both mothers and fathers) say “I want my son to be able to get a blowjob” or “I want my son to be able to have sex without ridicule from a woman”. This is exactly the same as the equivalent rational for FGM: “I want my daughter to be more valuable for marriage”. This is not patriarchy. This is culture gone awry. It is disgusting.

    From my interactions with anti-FGM advocates, they are often ignorant about the cause they are fighting for. They are even more ignorant about a similar practice inflicted upon the other gender. Generally, they are stubborn and unwilling to learn new information—instead, they perpetuate myths and half-truths. This is no way to advocate for a cause. Become educated on the cause you are fighting for. Do your homework and research! Only armed with knowledge and information, can you succeed and defeat the evil that perpetuates this horror on children.

    • December 8, 2013 12:56

      Thank you; in fact, when I wrote this I was very aware that you, Ghost Orchid (why not use your name, please? I do), might offer commentary or a riposte. I know (and respect) that’s you have a particular perspective.

      But please don’t suggest I haven’t ‘done [my] homework’, that hurtful comment isn’t necessary or helpful. Far from it… in my (NB largely European; I write mostly about the UK) experience, radical feminists have only quite marginal influence. And, as we’ve previously agreed, the mainstream financial incentive to cut children male or female is less here.

      I’m happy to have a debate but don’t suggest I’m not informed; my experience is different and I have seriously researched what I say. You, Mr Anon Ghost Orchid, are in a commendable minority in wanting as an Intactivist to engage also re FGM; I applaud that. (I’d applaud and join with you even more if you gave your real name; difficult to research when most Intactivists won’t do that. Why not?)

      I get trolled anonymously, on Twitter particularly, all the time, but as you know I would much rather work with people than ‘against’ them, especially on an issue as important as protecting children.

      One further point: I had a wordage on this piece which I have already over-run. Each of the issues I raise here – did you notice there are several? – deserves a whole lot more debate of its own.

      Thanks for responding, but please don’t suggest I’m not aware of how things are. Almost all the trolls I encounter have identified themselves as Intactivists, not as ‘Men’s Rights’. I have to report what I see.

      My main suggestion re stopping child abuse such as genital mutilation (did you notice it, above?) is that it would be easier if NoMGM people weren’t so busy vigorously attacking the NoFGM lot …. It doesn’t look good, it doesn’t impress those who observe it, and it doesn’t help.

      I acknowledge the validity of the NoMGM position, and it would be better all round if that were more fully reciprocated – which is my point above.

      And maybe we can also have some (preferably signed) comments on the other issues as raised, please?

      Thanks again,

    • December 8, 2013 12:59

      PS “The truth is that, in many FGM-practicing communities, the men know nothing of FGM or the harm it causes. These men have never seen an intact woman. Women practice it on themselves because that’s all the men know and it’s part of their culture. This is exactly like male circumcision in the United States.” Of course, I concur completely; but I haven’t suggested otherwise.

    • December 8, 2013 16:13

      If I implied that you were not knowledgeable or hadn’t done your research, I apologize. I was referring to some folks I have encountered on Twitter.

      The MRAs claim to be intactivists. Many of them have been attacking “real” intactivists of late! It’s not just you!

      These MRAs are despicable and I do not follow them back on Twitter. They hate women like radical feminists hate men. I am not one of these.

      I do not use my real name because male circumcision is controversial in the United States and employers now do internet searches before hiring. What if they disagreed with me and thought I was a weird pervert for speaking out against male circumcision? I can’t risk jeopardizing my family and career for activism. I started out using my real name (some know it) but decided to change because my family has to come first.

      The circumfetishists are known form making personal attacks and threats. This is another disadvantage of using my real name.

      If I was unattached and made my life’s work out of activism (as some intactivists and anti-FGM advocates do), I would definitely use my real name.

    • December 8, 2013 17:01

      Thanks again. I’m sure (genuinely) that people will be relieved to read what you’ve just written about your perspective.

      I understand and agree you should never put your family at risk, socially or economically. That’s a risk for all of us. It must be recognised however that pseudonyms are rather unconvincing. DON’T take personal risks you fear, but can’t others? Aren’t there laws about free speech?

      Sorry to sound tough on this, but until we go face-on we won’t win. There must be someone, somewhere…?

  3. December 8, 2013 19:59

    There is a lot in this article to merit a response, but here are a few thoughts.

    That female genital cutting (see below for comments regarding language) “is an element of sustaining women’s social inferiority much more entrenched than any singular culture or specific religious belief” seems to require more justification than given. We certainly want the practice to stop, but as you elude part of the problem may be that, amongst the communities that practice it, it is seen to enhance the status of women. This can be illustrated by the examples you give of making a girl marrigeable or of little girls innocently eager to undergo the process which they believe will confer adult status. This is comparable to the perception of circumcised men being of higher status, adult or more marrigeable if they aren circumcised and of the “uncircumcised” being of lower status or “unclean”.

    Girls fall victim to cutting by their mothers and grandmothers. Boys fall victime to cutting by their fathers and grandfathers. Both may sometimes fall victime to cutting by traditional practitioners outside their family. It remains the case that, for the greater part, girls are cut by women and boys are cut by men. Purity or cleanliness is said to result in both cases. To see this as patriarchal and worthy of condemnation for that reason is perhaps to miss the point.

    FGM whether in the USA, Britain or anywhere else, is not limited to control of women’s sexuallity, but of men’s too. In some communities female genital cutting is not just about pursuit of purity of girls and women but also the control of male sexuality: ensuring no man can have sex with her before marriage. In many communities Cruelty is not only limited to practices against women. Boys have been moulded into the shape of vases and subject to other cruelties in history also. To assume it is only the female body that is being subjugated is naive and simplistic. Likewise Maimonides noted the control of male sexuality as the purpose of male circumcision.

    As with the many critics of FGM you note, we are deeply concerned about any form of genital or other damage to babies or children, regardless of gender. We see the need to embrace cross-gender partnership to stop genital mutilation, female or male, Precisesly to avoid the conflict you note.

    As you note most genital cutting is imposed on minors and infringes their human rights. The real descrimination is not with regard to race, or sex, but against children who have the community’s will imposed on them without regard for individuals’ right to autonomy. To succeed we must contradict traditional ideas that the community can lay claim modify the child’s genitals.

    Finding the right words in personal communication is indeed an on-going challenge. It makes no sense to be overprescriptive of the language used as each audience will need a different approach. The approach must always respect the position of the audience while conveying the concern that we share. Being overprescriptive and claiming that language is “non-negotiable” is guaranteed to fail.

    We see the end to genital cutting as being an increase in the status of children and a recognition that they have rights not just to care and protection, but also to autonomy. Ultimately any attempt to protect girls from genital modification requires a recognition that those rights apply to intersex children and boys too. In particular, the World Health Organisation will fail in its campaign against FGM while it advocates the genital cutting of African boys.

    • December 9, 2013 00:34

      Thanks. Your comments are very much along the lines I would anticipate, and most of them I’d agree with… but please bear in mind that I addressed quite a number of other issues which remain to be examined by you or other responders. This is on-going! (MUCH more detailed discussion in the book which I’m writing… And I do mention both male and intersex physical intrusion.)

      I find it strange that the MGM / FGM debate seems to eclipse much bigger and in some senses more difficult issues which I also try to bring into focus above.

      Maybe that’s because I’m UK-European and the MGM industry is less lucrative here? In which case surely people in the US have special work to do, ensuring that there is no funding for it via insurance or the state?

      One final point: I disagree fundamentally about not calling FGM ‘mutilation’ IN FORMAL DIALOGUE. If you need to call it ‘cutting’ informally, so be it; but I strongly suspect that such euphemisms are part of the reason the practice continues.

      Please don’t conflate the WHO advocacy for male circumcision against HIV (mistaken as it may perhaps be) with its serious requirement to call mutilation ‘mutilation’. This is not over-prescription, it’s being honest (and less fearful of how others respond).

      Thanks again. Would welcome your thoughts on the issues not as yet mentioned….

  4. December 9, 2013 00:38

    PS I do continue to be concerned that apparently in the Land of the Free it’s too dangerous to use your own name for perfectly legal, non-violent thoughts and ideas. Can that really be the case? There’s strength in numbers….. but difficult if no-one knows who the others are. (Sorry to raise this again, but it makes me uncomfortable to have direct communication with anonymous commentators, when they know who I am…)

    • December 9, 2013 05:24

      Pseudonyms have been used for hundreds of years since the beginning of the printed word—and even before that. It is not that it’s dangerous to use your own name in the land of the free. It has to do with prudence, not free speech.

      Let me give an example: You interview a guy but before you hire him, you do a Google search for his name and find that he actively participates in white supremacist activities. Would you hire him? If you did hire him, would you worry that his personal activities might tarnish the reputation of your company? Of course you would; it would be smart not to hire this man.

      Now, consider the state of male circumcision in the US. It is widely practiced and those who are against it are often seen as weirdos, perverts, foreskin-obsessed, etc. It is going to be a risk to hire someone who participates in anti-circumcision activities. Why? Say your employee is in sales and a customer does a Google search for his name. What if the customer is Jewish and is offended by the salesperson’s activities. Why would you want that risk for your company? The issue has nothing to do with free speech. You have free speech. Do whatever you want. But having free speech doesn’t mean that everyone else is going to LIKE your free speech. They can hate what you have to say and take action on it.

      In the US, gender, race, religion, and marital status are protected—employers may not discriminate based on these attributes. Activities an employee participates in outside of work that may affect how others see that company are not protected. Maybe the UK has similar protections? Employment in the US outside of unions is generally “at-will” meaning that the employee or the employer can terminate the relationship at any time. If there isn’t good reason, the employee can sue, but do you really want that job back?

      I remember you saying that you come from the world of academia. I understand that the “real name” thing is an issue to you. In an ideal world, I would agree. I have nothing to be ashamed of. But the world is not perfect and there are ignorant people out there. People who do not understand human rights or genital integrity. People who WILL NEVER understand human rights. People who want to harm those fighting for human rights. People who want to ruin reputations. There are hackers, spammers, identity thieves, script kiddies, and even nation states that can do you harm. In my opinion, it’s a risk to use your real name in social networking even if you don’t care about “privacy”.

      Using a pseudonym is NOT about attacking people anonymously. It’s about prudent cover from harm that could be caused by those who want to end our cause. If people abuse the pseudonym, they should be blocked. But I would encourage you to consider the perspective of the average person who is not a career activist or academic. Consider the working man or woman with a career and a family. Using a real name for controversial topics could be career suicide. In the US, being against male circumcision will likely alienate friends and family. It can and does alienate colleagues. If your colleagues are alienated, it will damage your career. Without a career or money, how can you be an activist?

      Part of the difference too might be that the majority of the population will support you if you are against FGM in the West. The majority of the population will make fun of you, chastise you, and attack you if you are against male circumcision in the USA. Food for thought.

    • December 9, 2013 11:40

      Hmmm. For whom, I wonder, is this food for thought?

      I’ve already suggested there is strength in numbers – a group of you together, with a real identifiable base if not, for heaven’s sake, real names? – and on one level I understand your anxiety. I would never press anyone to put their children at risk, or their family income either, if the risk is real.

      I still however worry very much that in your view modern America can’t cope with more than one, way-out-of-date, view on circumcision – which is hardly a threat to the state (though maybe to some doctors’ wallets). I gather Medicare or whatever it now is won’t pay for non-therapeutic circumcision anyway? Keep supporting the reform… The personal is very political!

      Also, you need to know that even in the UK now there are risks for some people, especially in traditional ‘cutting’ communities, in speaking out against FGM. But we do have legal protections which I fervently hope would prevent harm to those bravest and most vulnerable. The UK media have recently become very good on this – but it took a while.

      And, just so you know, I am not employed by anyone to work against FGM, I’ve never been a ‘career academic’ and there have been times in the past, believe me, when I have spoken out at risk about things (against nuclear arms? discrimination?) very much against the tide – which from experience I know majority public opinion will finally catch up and live with a plurality of views, if enough of you identify and get together. Then you can speak openly.

      (This is so on MGM as much as anything else by the way; check out the current info on opinions and you’ll see that at least non-faith support for it in the USA is diminishing quite significantly.)

      One final point: It is NOBODY’s business to know whether a man has been circumcised or not, just as it’s NOBODY’s business to stick ultrasound into a woman who needs an abortion, or to prevent her from obtaining contraception so that need doesn’t arise. The state should always stay very clear of these deeply private, personal matters. I presume that you are making common cause with those brave women who rail against these crude and unforgiveable intrusions into privacy? Why should an adult male’s circumcision status be of any concern to anyone except him and, maybe, his wife or his physician?

      Forgive me if I close this discussion about MGM and anonymity for now. I may come back to these issues in a separate post at some point; or we can carry on here (to which I shall migrate any further MGM debate): if there are really pressing issues. I’m sure you understand.

      I really would like to discuss the wider questions which I tried to raise above…. Thanks.

  5. Robert Munyui Kamunyu permalink
    April 7, 2015 14:07

    When God told Abraham to sign the covenant of the flesh, he circumcised all
    the male children and he was circumcised. The message was direct and in plain
    language. GENESIS 17: 1-27. The agreement was strategically initiated and the
    male child grew beholding daily his agreement with God at every call of
    nature throughout his married life.. The covenant of the flesh for a man is
    with ease to behold with no ill feelings or regrets without medication
    required afterwards in life. When God told Moses that the Children of Israel
    shall not circumcise their girls, the message was given in a spiritual
    language and bore two warnings. The Israelis parents shall not sexually
    mutilate their daughters and fathers were commanded not have carnal knowledge
    (incest) of their daughters making them prostitutes. Fgm prostitution is a
    satanic sacrifice for a woman, of secrecy with miseries and constrains of
    disgrace to behold accompanied by many cases of traumatic child delivery
    requiring medication. There is no fold of a fore skin in a sexual organ of a
    woman to cut round that hides dirty stuffs that stinks. There is no part of
    her sexual organ that rots as she grows old from childhood. There are blunt
    lies of those women anointed by satan to propagate fgm when they claim women
    that are not cut stinks. Homes ,cities and countries where fgm is not
    practiced would have been stinking hell if their claim is true which would
    have been an open truth known by all. The devil is the father of lies and his
    accomplished do the falsehood. Fgm is the most horrible heart breaking tribute to satanic
    sacrifice in parenthood accepted and appreciated by many communities. They
    have given fgm prostitution a satanic religious positive face value with
    wholesome none existent cleanliness which is mockery to wisdom and Word of
    truth. Today those women who favor fgm feel their marriages are under attack and
    endangered with the unfolding truth on falsified physical and spiritual
    beneficial issues acclaimed in fgm. All they have is to tell epic of lies to
    keep their husbands mentally caged in culture and remain relevant to their
    husbands. When some women vouch for safe mother child delivery, the devil is in front
    with others women in destroying the gate way of safe mother child delivery system in fgm.
    Parents pay homage to satan in fgm. During fgm initiation
    ceremonies immoral cultural songs are accepted and openly sang.
    Let men love those ladies who have under gone the awful
    cut in Christ’s Love that bonds on love. Let those ladies not condemn
    themselves . Let them abound in liberty that is in Christ and enjoy full life
    and do away with satanic barbaric fgm for their daughters. The devil has his
    own even among the smart elites in every society that will justify evils
    under all costs. Fgm is a demonic act associated with the existent of
    parenthood and the devil who has given it a religious backing a cover up of
    deception acceptance. There are women who have undergone fgm and they hold
    and tell the bear truth on issues based on fgm. May God Almighty shower them
    with blessings of fortitude of grace to forbear the deprivations done in fgm.
    In fgm prostitution persecution parents are engaged in a clear active
    respectable satanic open sacrifice. They indulge themselves in orgy of
    mutilating the very womanhood of their own girl child for none existing
    morality for God. Fgm is the smart satanic strategic morality sacrifice hidden
    tragically and endorsed by many parents across all social status around the
    world. Parents have their own zeal of faith in fgm and have established their
    own righteousness not according to righteousness of God in the knowledge of
    his Word. Roman 10:1-4. Parents spearhead the immoral act in fgm which is a
    covenant of flesh and blood with satan for society morality. Many fathers are
    bonded and bound by it and sink to abyss of solemn silence even when children
    and youth raise a protest the battle of minds against fgm. Satan has for
    generations perfectly cushioned fgm in many families parenthood which is un
    institution of tender care and love as the acceptable way of life. It is the
    time Satan tragically prevails in honor in parenthood. Fgm is the parental
    dear paradox regarding girls chastity. On fgm sin enslavement , fathers play
    the pivot role in sexually crippling their daughters behind the scene having
    been entangled and snared by Satan as it were with Eve and Adam in garden of
    Aden. There are parents comfortably settled down on mutilating their young
    girls for community social acceptance and honor at families managed alter of
    satan. This defeats any iota of holy love and care for the girl child under
    fgm, bawling for mercy when heaped on her shoulders empty promises bearing
    the burden of the family and the society morality placed on her very
    womanhood In fgm operation . In fgm operation, parents are heartless and lack
    ornaments of a holly heart. Fgm defines parents in demonic world of culture
    gripped by satan but not in God. They are faithful dependable apostles and
    ministers of satan bound in perpetuating fgm with willing evil hands .
    Parents and close relatives continuously taunt young girls on their uncut
    status which is a state of social mental torture for some hard to bear.
    Finally some face the martyrdom of womanhood in fgm for demonic cultural
    purity cleansing acceptance . To them, immorality is put to an end. The
    devil’s strike on womanhood is immortalized in a cultural religious
    ceremony given a cover up of wholesome acceptance by elders present us
    custodian pillars of demonic culture sexual slavery. Love cannot fathom the
    era of zeal outburst in fgm prostitution castration ordeal that ravage the
    garden of love and joy enhanced in agony of cultural honor by parents in
    chopping and tearing the helm of womanhood. What is left is a figure of
    Girls who face the evil cut become prostitutes on alter
    of satan sadly without their consent which pollutes the land. Magicians and
    witches in the world do not make girls prostitutes. But parents by subjecting
    girls to fgm make them prostitutes and are worse than them. Parents have
    soiled their hands in fgm honorary .Humanity has been subject to satanic
    celebrated sacrifice in fgm prostitution beyond imaginations in many families
    among generations. The evil cutting is done in honor of the dead. Leviticus
    19:28-29. This type of prostitution cannot be cleansed in marriage life . She
    bought her prostitution with her flesh, bone and blood on alter of Satan
    while still In her flower age when facing all evil forces under her parental
    care. Unless she gets saved (call upon the blood of CHRIST to cleanse
    her.John3:16-18, Isaiah1:18) she shall go to her grave a prostitute. Thus
    there were no sexual mutilations among the Israelis women. The Girl child was
    bought up in divine order leaving the petals and stay of love intact for a
    beloved wise husband core co-benefits. She remained a garden fenced , a
    spring shut up and blessed in sealed divine state. A woman to man she is a
    garden and a fountain. The man plants a seed and a child grows in the womb
    and is born. The man quench his marital thirst with her in shared joy for
    woman is a keeper at home. A fountain with a cover has more flesh safe water
    than uncovered well. A fenced garden has a defense and is a safe comfort.
    Song of Solomon 5:1-2. Song of Solomon 4:12, Proverbs 5:18-19. The banner of
    love is at even state over the garden of love at Divine state when his hand
    lands at the garden of love to prop it up undisturbed in the great rift
    valley. Song of Solomon 2:2-3.
    Circumcision in man does not destroy his body integrity and
    his sexual ability remains intact. In Church of Christ, ever where parents
    force their daughters to face the evil cut, the parents having given the
    devil the first sacrifice should not be ashamed to remove the blanket of
    etiquette and prepare their daughters to play wives (incest) to their
    husbands to give the devil a complete sacrifice. Let mothers have the final
    honor and pride themselves in remaking the conception beds of their
    daughters and prepare their husbands to know their daughters and give satan
    a due complete sacrifice. It is not a greater evil than the first
    sacrifice. Fgm is an insult and assault to womanhood by parents. Let parents
    pride themselves in complete evils. The petals and stay of love are left
    strewn at alters of Satan. The sparkles of love cannot be rekindled. In
    natural world a door is provided for knocking before entry and an aerial is
    provided for effective communication so is the same for the girl child body
    by nature. Fgm prostitution is not done for the love of the girl child .This
    is misconception of love. There is no barbaric action done in love. Fgm
    prostitution is done when the sex organ of a girl child is viewed as a source
    of all immoralities and a center of all evils that engulf a community. It is
    done as a sacrificial satanic proactive cleansing of a society from
    immoralities. They view mutilated sex organ of a girl child as clean and holy
    thus up rifting it’s status to satanic reverence. Love does not seek its
    own benefits, 1Corinthians 13:1-13. Prostitutes made by parents in fgm
    prostitution are honored and encouraged . Us no man can miss the mouth even
    when eating in total darkness, so shall man falter in search of the marital
    coals removed in sexual mutilation how foolish he is. From the family
    parliament man becomes a slave of satan . Fgm prostitution keeps man out
    natural way of life in marriage .Song of Solomon 2:6-7. After fgm is done
    there are no boughs for man to hold since the woman was subjected to sexual
    excavation and torture of honor in fgm rampage by satan . Song of Solomon
    7:1-8. Girls subjected to fgm is a reflection of man’s moral decay which
    leaves fgm atrocities flying back to his face. In fgm ceremonies parents
    authority is enhanced and preserved. Fgm remains the tested brutal cultural
    yard stick for girls sexual excavation in honor of cultural morality
    Parents who perform the grand satanic sacrifice of fgm are
    of families instabilities and of great evils to the land. When their
    daughters face marital problems originating from their family parliaments,
    they offer themselves as prayer partners with their daughters before God
    interceding for stability and peace for their families. They do not count
    themselves as the cause of the marital problems affecting their daughters
    marriage life for breaking and dismantling the defense and the fences of the
    marriage courts in fgm. The grandmothers and aunts are in a more canning self
    defensive ,hypocritical deceptive state buying time for their daughter to
    bring up girls for them to storm unto them demanding sex mutilation as an
    exercise of honor. Paul told Timothy not to heed unholy stories from old
    women. 1Timothy4:7. In such deceptive manner unfortunately the cycle of
    demonic fgm prostitution repeats itself again. Do they ever learn anything
    destructive in fgm or they are spiritually blind folded as they abound more
    in vain prayers? When the wife at the family parliament loose esteemed value
    to her husband all that pertain to the family has no value to him and this is
    the widest wild gate for the man that leads to lack of burden of
    responsibility for the family that opens the highway of family destruction by
    the devil. Fgm lays social foundations for unstable marital lives. Parents
    are highly entrenched in prostitution with their girl child. When in demonic
    world parents say fgm prostitution makes a girl child clean but God says she
    defiled and made a prostitute. Fgm remains the annual mass overwhelming
    celebrated parental satanic human sacrifice for the mankind under cover of
    social morality ever witnessed. Ironically these parents are active in the
    Church who shoulder burdens for the church but with continuous unresolved
    marital problems a dilemma to the clergy. They are workers of Satan who have
    camouflaged as believers in the Church of Christ. How do they differ from
    magicians and witches? Fgm prostitution is the parental satanic sexual
    sacrifice , assault, insult and abuse of a girl child sexual integrity. They
    pollute the land in prostitution and the land becomes full of all evils. How
    can a father be obsessed with the sexual organ of his daughter as a bearer of
    holiness in the mutilated state? It is hypocritical for him to be in a place
    where GOD is worshiped. Why should parents be obsessed to place the family
    uprightness and the country holiness in the mutilated sex organ of their girl
    child? After fgm is done ,the girl child is highly esteemed and it is a
    demonic cover up of the plight of evils done. Where are the wise loving
    brothers to stand up without fear that will not feast and cerebrate when
    their dear sisters are sacrificed to satanic under world in fgm prostitution
    castration by their own parents?
    Fgm was authored in Egypt by Pharaoh as Satanic
    sacrifice to increase pain and wailing in child birth . The fleshy sexual
    coals are excavated leaving her frigid and rocky thus denying her for live
    time Divine marital gift which she requires in marriage for a lively marital
    relationship with her husband. How stupid a man may be, by instinct a man
    will falter in search of the fleshy coals removed in fgm thus leaving him at
    moral loose for unfulfilled marital gift achievement. The fleshy coals are
    provided for the benefits of their marriage life. 1Corithians7: 9. The fleshy
    coals help a woman in marriage to lock in emotionally with her husband in a
    cordial marital relationship. Some parents send their daughters far away to
    close relatives for retrogressive fgm as a cover up without the girl child
    knowledge of the adverse side effects on her body and spirit. Today,
    knowledgeable granddaughters are running away from grandparents and aunts
    since they hold the mutilating blades of tear and terror of horror for their
    bodies. Wise parents are shielding their daughters from them. Paul told
    Timothy not to listen to old women unholy stories. This they call breakdown
    of extended families ties which brethren in Christ are ready to uphold for
    their faith in God .The spiritual and physical integrity of their daughters
    remain intact. The shedding of the blood and flesh of their daughters in
    honoring satanic sacrifice in fgm they cannot allow it us the uniting bonding
    force for the extended families unity. Their faith in Christ breaks the yoke
    of satan.
    It is quite evident parents are under blind cultural moral
    slavery siege and ready to sacrifice their daughters in Fgm at demonic alter
    of cultures for community social acceptance but they are an eye sore before
    God for performing this type of prostitution . Fgm is more of rottenness of
    morals for the as the head of the family. How would parents commit their
    daughters to Fgm so us someone can have food for the mouth calling it their
    trade of life? How could someone say it was done in honor of religion where
    God is mentioned and the clergy exist? How will girls ever be compensated
    after the evil trade of forced fgm is abandoned while their mutilated sexes
    organs remain and the wounded soul and spirit cry to God Almighty. Many
    parents are still stuck in wilderness of demonic cultures though in
    institutions of Godly worship. Even from time of old women can perform all
    types of evils counting on their husbands support. Israelis women in the
    Bible told Jeremiah the Prophet that the sacrifices they offered to queen of
    heaven they did so with the support and knowledge of their husbands. Jeremiah
    44:15-22. Even today women who force their daughters to undergo fgm count on
    their husbands full support. They confirm their husbands are part of Satanic
    sacrifice performed on their daughters in fgm when they disregard Godly
    advice and truth concerning fgm. It is the time parental love and care are
    nonexistent as the girl child is raised on alter of Satan for sexual
    excavation in fgm thus dethroning her from her very womanhood with full
    parental honor and the pleas by young girls for justice fall to deaf ears.
    The coveted cultural benefits and rights in fgm are left with the parents as
    the girl child is merchandized at the altar of Satan leaving her empty handed
    bearing all adverse severe effects and defects in her body and spirit for the
    lest her life time. For how long will parents hold this form of prostitution
    dear to their bosom for earthly respect ,honor and social acceptance? Is it
    that before God our beloved parents are not aware they are in a cerebrate
    prostitution with their daughters in fgm or they are stiff necked? The earth
    is annually drenched with the innocent blood of young girls and the seed of
    terror of evils is planted and established by parents. Who will pull out
    parents stuck in the wilderness of demonic cultures with love and care? Fgm
    is in the bosoms of parents and the community at large. It all boils down to
    communities morals social rottenness. The battle fields of double faiths
    range in their hearts and they fail terribly to test faith in God. GOD is not
    a respecter of persons and you cannot modify evils committed by parents to
    less evils to look upright. No form of gm is acceptable before God. To think
    you can subject girls to less invasive form of fgm is spiritually not
    acceptable . Where Men circumcision involves removal of a fold of the fore
    skin, fgm involves massive dense muscles with high concentration of sensitive
    net work of nerves and soft bone which leaves a woman sexually crippled out
    phase with man. Her bone is left in the air to dry like dead wood. This is
    not circumcision. It is Sexual excavation. Circumcision involves cutting
    round a fore skin in man. Which man would ever leave part of his bone cut to
    dry in the air like dead wood? After Fgm is done ,there are no bows left for
    man to hold. Song of Solomon 7:8 .NO blood should be spilled in Fgm.
    Leviticus 19:28-29. God purposed a woman to enjoy sex in marriage life. No
    human being should play God to her life. Song of Solomon 2:2-5. Sexual joy is
    Divine given to her and parents have no rights in sexually crippling her cold
    in fgm. Do not give parents a soft landing ground in their evils adventures
    by making them acceptable knowledgeable social criminals. The youths of today
    face great moral social battles against fgm which is a must win goal since
    they are blessed and enlightened with abundant interactive active knowledge
    concerning ills of fgm. They must not allow themselves to be engulfed in a
    cocoon of hypocritical suffering in fgm culturally in rooted in demonic
    cultural sexual crime of fgm.
    In the Church of Christ, let fathers not exercise
    dead terror of silence which have allowed satan to raid and rain terror on
    young girls in fgm. Let fathers stand up for the divine rights of their
    daughters in marriage. Parents owe their sons in laws lifetime gratitude for
    agreeing to marry their daughters whom they sexually assaulted, muted and
    sexually crippled. God has never asked parents to sexually cripple their
    daughters so as to remain virgins and holly. Is holiness attained by sexually
    crippling a girl child acceptable to God purposes for her live destiny
    entity? No! There is holiness that pertains to children of God. Fgm is direct
    mitigated assault and insult to her real womanhood. The sex organ of a girl
    child cannot be manipulated through sexual mutilations as a gate way for man
    to heaven. Parents owe their daughters a life time apology for their inhuman
    acts which robbed them their divine marital gifts. Parents who force their
    daughters to undergo Fgm exercise the most dignified unreserved beastly
    cultural atrocities on the girl child with man child at the receiving end as
    beneficially .Fgm remain the most horrible evil ever coveted by some parents
    with full support of some grandparents and aunts. Proverbs14:1-2. A foolish
    woman destroys her own house with her own hands. Let parents face the truth
    and know they have evil thoughts in demonic live style against their own girl
    child in fgm and they are terribly wrong .In the spirit world parents spy
    their daughters and are envious of their marital bed thus they raid the
    marriage court in fgm acts. They view their daughters us sexually wild and
    immoral children who have to be tamed to gain moral control standards over
    their own bodies assisted in fgm under the Knife. But who is weak? Men or
    women. Is the immorality one sided based on women among themselves only? Is
    the girl child sexually immorally wild to herself in her divine state? Who is
    fooling who? Is the sexual organ of a girls child the pillar of immorality
    and evils in any given society? Fgm is the cold unjust sacrifice involving
    blood ,flesh and bone to Satan which tie parents more to demonic world. Can
    men cut their penis heads to be near equal with women who have lost their
    clitoris in fgm? In Fgm, parents are a curse to a nation. In fgm parents
    craft and draw holiness for themselves and for the whole family together with
    the community from fgm thus they cleanse and protect themselves from
    immoralities in the blood of their daughters clothed in religious attires.
    The burden of family and the community holiness is pegged and delivered from
    the mutilated sex organ of a girl child. It is a demonic way of life. This
    pertain more to human satanic sacrifice and worship than many would like not
    to believe they are more submerged in demonic world. Parents have subjected
    their children to satanic slavery in fgm. Fgm was designed to permanently
    sexually disconnect a girl child from her very womanhood. The liberation
    straggle must start with the young men as the deciding factor in fgm
    eradication and abandonment. Fgm prostitution is done for them and on their
    behalves which is demonically wrong. Youths have to free themselves from
    cultural sexual slavery in fgm prostitution banqueted for them by old
    generation for their none existent spiritual and physical well being. In fgm
    prostitution parents are in satanic world together with witches and magicians
    turning the sexual organ of woman into un institution of satanic reverence.
    It is hypocritical and mockery for parents in Church of Christ
    to spend their early marriage live in double standards life to perpetuate FGM
    and live in their twilight years as devoted loving caring parents close to
    the clergy having soiled their hands with the blood of their daughters in a
    well intended time staged managed shedding of blood and flesh of their
    daughters in fgm in early marriage life as she wade through the jungle of
    life for demonic chastity sacrifice acceptance . Parents pride themselves in
    fgm for tearing down the defense and fences of the marriage court a sacrifice
    to Satan. They do not pride and delight themselves in God. But GOD can never
    be mocked. Some men force their daughters to undergo fgm under the mothers
    pressure and pleasure forgetting there are no curses for those in Christ
    Jesus. Galatians3:10-14, Proverb26:1-2. It is quite evident parents are under
    cultural moral slavery siege and ready to sacrifice their daughters in fgm
    at alter of demonic cultures for community social acceptance. Fgm is the
    historical prostitution and plunder of womanhood bound in cultural respect
    and honor. Evil committed by parents in fgm cannot be justified by existent
    of time done or by existent of once faith to do it. Fgm is cultural sexual
    slavery without love. Can a man kneel before God and support fgm. It is
    awkward to hear men say what is good for a woman and not say what God says is
    good for a woman and him. It seems some men want to craft a way of life from
    the sex organ of women for themselves in name of purity for God. When God
    told Moses that the Israelis fathers shall not subject their daughters to fgm
    in honor of the dead or have sex with them, He did not leave any form of fgm
    for a girl child. To suggest there can be mild form of FGM is not acceptable
    before God. Leviticus 19:28-29. FGM is the annual mass satanic sacrifice done
    honorably by parents. Once the blood of a girl child is shed in fgm the land
    is polluted and the country becomes full of all evils. Mothers are the
    accomplish with devils priests who mutilates the sex organs of young girls
    with full expressed active acknowledgment of fathers when sold to satan. When
    parents advance in age they present themselves as faithful model of faith
    full of prayers which is a mare mockery to devotional integrity of moral
    faith in God having well planned to accomplish honorary executed fgm for all
    of their daughters in early marriage life. Youth in unique spiritual
    flight must dislodge themselves from the yoke of fgm prostitution slavery
    offered honorary by parents in satanic sacrifice.
    How would parents commit their daughters to fgm
    us someone can have food for the mouth calling it their trade of life? How
    could someone say it was done in honor of religion where God is mentioned and
    the clergy exist? How will ever be girls compensated who are forced to fgm in
    their flower age after abandoning the evil trade? Parents and the clergy
    should know that the mutilated injured defenseless girls remain and the
    wounded souls and spirit in anguish of their heart cry to Almighty God. Many
    parents are still stuck in wilderness of demonic cultures though in
    institutions of Godly worship. Who will pull out parents stuck in the
    wilderness of demonic cultures with love and care? FGM is in the bosoms of
    parents and the community at large. It all boils down to communities social
    rottenness. The battle fields of double faiths range in their hearts and they
    fail terribly to test of faith in God. Can parents be so cruel and evil
    minded to perform fgm in name of morality in GOD? Where is honesty and love
    in sobriety them . Fgm is a form of culturally appreciated prostitution on
    womanhood with respect , honor and rewards by parents with society support.
    Let us have fathers who can stand for God with their families when the lest
    rebel against God. Joshua 24:14-15 .
    The greatest force behind fgm are fathers and young men. It is
    heart breaking to hear women say if it were not of demands by fathers and
    young men behind the sin they will not do it. In fgm parents break the
    spiritual and physical integrity well being of their daughters. It is all
    known some men dare not speak against fgm for it propel them to social
    powers. The parents and the whole families supports are dear to them thus
    they endear and center themselves us champion of fgm as a cultural heritage.
    Their enthronements to social powers are fueled by blood and flesh of young
    girls thus weakening laws passed to ban fgm. The young girls fate hang out of
    balance since she cannot count on rescue even from her dear brothers. Her
    fate is sealed in dying hope by those who thirst and hunger for her flesh and
    blood for the injustice of the beloved parents is awful cruel. It is in the
    hour of need when a father turns a cold shoulder to his girl child and commit
    her to Satan in fgm prostitution persecution . The girl child lives with
    unresolved burning self reserved resentments against her parents but all they
    see is well to their eyes. The dark embarrassing day of losing her womanhood
    in fgm remains vivid to her mind. Parents will have their daughters
    physically but emotionally detached from them in their old age a dilemma and
    a surprise to them. Their silent heart acre of lack of mutual trust between
    their daughters will go down to their old age. A great social rift is
    emerging among the youths and old generation based on increased abundant
    interactive active knowledge on whole issues based on fgm with youth calling
    for social justice in ending fgm. Youths are on a race against time whether
    to subject their marriages to generations prostitution in fgm. Parents can
    socially lose their children in their old age with phenomenal of being
    neglected by their children becoming more apparent. Fgm condemns a girl child
    to a life time of sexual cultural slavery. This is the misery bestowed upon
    her by her own parents in honor of the dead which they hold dear to their
    hearts. Parents pride themselves in fgm prostitution since they receive their
    communities social recognitions and acceptance at a price of permanently
    sexually deforming their girls in fgm which they can view in a mirror.
    Parents are in Sodom of their own even in places of worship.
    Laws to ban FGM may not eliminate fgm since it can be done
    clinically at home. Parents require deliverance of their souls and spirit to
    God. In their liberated hearts they will not suffer any loose for abandoning
    fgm for their trust in God is paramount. God Himself told Moses that the
    Israelis fathers shall not subject their daughters to fgm in honor of the
    dead or have sex with them making them prostitutes. Leviticus 19:28-29. FGM
    is a Satanic sacrifice involving blood, soft bone and flesh and parents are
    more bonded to demonic world by sacrificing their girl child in fgm . The
    seed of evils is planted, watered and guarded by parents in joy. Let all
    Children of Abraham by faith face the full reality of the demands in their
    faith in God. God bless you all united against this demonic cultural practice
    called fgm, a hard nut to crack preserved and hidden in parenthood for
    acceptance. It is the time the promises in fgm die out and the demonic world
    open her gates wide for the girl child and closes her behind as she leaves
    the alter of Satan empty handed for the rest of her life time. This is satanic torture for a girl
    child has to face to satisfy cultural purity.
    Can the young men and girls muscle enough will power and do away with fgm prostitution
    forced down their lives by the old generation? Yes, they can since they are
    strong with an open clear mind. They have the divine provision of a happy
    marriage within their reach. Their marriage belong to them and not to their
    parents. Your obedience stays within the practices of Godly confined
    boundaries. God says you are strong and you can overcome the wicked one. 1
    john2:14. We must hold the Word of God within its content and contest lest or
    we be found to have contempt for the Word of God.
    Fgm prostitution defeat any Godly purpose for it . Can any
    clergy support fgm prostitution ? Only those taught by apostles and ministers
    of Satan can support fgm prostitution . Fgm exercise the most Dignified
    unreserved beastly cultural atrocities subjected on womanhood which is the
    deadly yoke of Satan hidden in parenthood for demonic chastity acceptance.
    Corinthians11:13-15. NO FGM WITH GOD .When faithful Abraham the father of
    faith was commanded by God to be circumcised at99 years old with his son
    Ishmael at thirteen years old, he obeyed God. Sarah and Hagar were not
    circumcised or any girl child since there is no women circumcision with God.
    It was a clear instruction and Abraham obeyed Jehovah God instructions to the
    letter. GENESIS 17: 1-27. When will it dawn on parents that they are in
    demonic world together with magicians and witches in fgm? Parents only way
    out of this demonic trap is to reconcile back to God together with their
    daughters by asking for forgiveness and get saved. Since in fgm the girl
    child is sacrificed in historical generation to generation prostitution and
    plunder on womanhood bound in cultural respect and honor for the benefits of
    the man child concealed nonexistent benefits ,the man child ought to be
    brought in the front line to fights fgm empowered with wholesome active
    knowledge of all ills involved in fgm prostitution . The life time miseries
    the girl child goes through in fgm prostitution is not a gift to a man child.
    Parents must know they shall account before God on satanic sacrifice
    performed in fgm in the final judgment day.
    Fgm prostitution bleeds horrible sorrows and suffering for a
    woman in her life time. When the mind of the man child is redeemed from fgm
    prostitution acts and fathers break the dead terror of silence against the
    inherent morally disgusting and offensive fgm prostitution then it will be
    the natural death of fgm . Fgm prostitution has evaded men perspective of
    Divine Holiness in God. Men have subjected women to brutal evil discovered
    cultural slavery and sexual deprivation of marital joy in fgm as a
    precondition for love and marriage. Women are left desperate and
    defenselessly cornered by onslaught of fgm. Men should not enter into
    marriage in seeking vain glory of sexual competition with women which raise
    gain to fgm prostitution to make them sexual cripples for men to remain as
    champions on sexual relationship since it is a Divine given equal shared joy.
    Men should not take pleasure in sexually humiliating and hurting women in fgm
    prostitution persecution . This is a demonic and the most hypocritical
    selfish life style for a man on earth when his heart breeds absolute anarchy
    and evils for womanhood. Men should enter into marriage within Divine
    approved orders without selfish cultural sexual competition inclinations .
    Fgm prostitution is a satanic prime reward sacrifice more tied
    man as the enforcer but he does not bear the physical scaring scars
    sufferings women go through silently with physiological scars and no
    Christian should apply it in life. Christian should eliminate FGM with
    ability given to us by our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ for in him there are
    no generation curses. Christians must redeem the time and not be foolish in
    daily life. The sex organ of a woman is not a battle field of faith for man
    in God. Men must purge social evils from their hearts, minds and not from the
    sexual organs of women in fgm operation ruins. Fgm was started by men and
    they must battle it to a dead end. It is a deeply rooted cultural battle
    field they can win overnight. It takes less than two hrs to teach men and
    women on Biblical perspective of fgm ills to bring it to a dead end. The
    survival of young girls from her fgm is in the hands of parents and men. Men
    must salvage girls from fgm in the hands culturally enslaved women. Their
    hands are washed with innocent blood of young girls sacrificed to satan in
    fgm. Fgm betrays and dwindle the full dignity of men in faith in God. Men
    have wrongly pegged their dignity in faith in God to the sex organ of a
    woman. A woman body in Divine state is a natural refresher for the man in
    trace of his Holy Creator. Men should appreciated they are delivered safely
    to the world from the womb and should never wage waves of wars of atrocities
    against womanhood. Men can break the cultural religious zeal in fgm for the
    dignity of the girl child. Fathers bear the absolute responsibilities in
    delivering girls to the platform of victory against fgm predicaments. When
    fathers say no to fgm ,young men are automatically on board against fgm. Fgm
    is the chronic moral disorder in a man bonded to satan in culture. Fgm was
    started by men as a tool of sexual depression in women in war of virgins
    waged by men who later brought it forward to women to propagate it in
    inherent zeal unknown before. Where is even the spiritual virginity of
    girls mutilated by men in martyrdom of womanhood? Legend has it that men
    were going for wars for a very long time against others communities and on
    return they found their beautiful young wives and girls were sexually
    molested and impregnated by the old men that were left behind . Sexual
    depression and deprivation were introduced in fgm as a tool of sexual
    suppression oppression. The macabre of fgm castration was left settled in
    hands of parents . Can any wise God fearing parents subject their daughters
    to fgm to justify in a religious manner the sin of grandfathers for their
    past historical generation sexual immorality dynasty pacification cover up?
    Fgm remains the grandfathers generation to generation curse and sexual
    social slavery for culturally battered women. Men must soberly disengage
    themselves honorary behind the scene for being the custodian pillars of sin
    of fgm making the sex organs of women as the moral battle fields of faith in
    God and call fgm the bygone unjust case of mayhem. Fgm foe must be purged
    from the battle field of minds and hearts of men in order of give girls
    social justice and enable women to overcome fgm. Youth must diligently
    determine the breaking and leveling of grandfathers extra ordinary
    generation curse in fgm grip to enable girls walk over it to freedom. This
    is the present generation gigantic cultural crush win for youth to freedom
    from shackles of cultural sexual slavery. Man cannot seek Holy Almighty God in mirror
    of fgm castration. The sin of fgm castration is in the harbor of men and
    fathers hearts who hold firmly fgm as a stronghold for their source of
    morality and for women. The faith of man in God cannot be rooted and stayed
    in mutilated sex of a woman for him to remain holy in God. Fgm remains the
    worst religious dogma with elite religious support. This has given satan the
    upper arm in force religions. Man must stand on his two feet and seek his
    relationship with his Holly Creator not based on sin of having his hand
    on a firm filthy grip in mayhem of butchering womanhood and melting away
    behind the scene after fgm castration. Man is outwitted by the devil in fgm.
    The end of fgm is simple. When fathers decide that they will not sacrifice their daughter to satan
    in fgm and men decide they will not marry girls sacrificed to satan by their parents in fgm, that
    will usher to ultimate celebrated end of fgm. There is no trade without customers. Fgm was a satanic
    sacrifice done by men and today done for men perceived benefits.
    Let Christian parents know fgm is a satanic sacrifice with no spiritual and physical benefits
    Come and be renewed at the throne of grace for Christ is full of
    love and mercy for your free sanctification and redemption. The cradle of
    hope in Christ Jesus radiates the inner person in peace who forgives in
    perfect love and cannot be deformed. Let the abundant love of Christ prevail
    in your yielding enabling life of righteousness in Christ Jesus. His
    unfailing love full of grace is sufficient for your triumph future without
    compromise. The Church is cleansed and perfectly restored for His own glory.
    Love covers multitudes of sins and weakness . Jehovah God break the yoke of
    Satan in fgm prostitution castration atrocities at family pillars for the fulfillment
    of your internal glory. AMEN.
    19:28-29. The message is freely given
    purely to the body of JESUS CHRIST worldwide.

  6. Robert Munyui Kamunyu permalink
    April 10, 2019 15:51

    The girl child holds no battle field of faith in her defiled crippled sexual state. She is sexually excavated, sexually muted and sexually crippled. Girls who face the evil cut from the altar of Satan are dedicated to demonic world and for a man marrying her is equal to sharing a wife with Satan unless she is made a new creature in Salvation. FGM is a form of partial castration for a womanhood. Man is commanded by GOD to give his wife her conjugal wrights at Divine state which bring fore play as a necessity in order to bring her arousal into phase with man for its a shared joy. 1Corithians 1:1-4. How can a sexually mutilated woman deliver joy in Divine state to her husband while her rights in sexual joy were removed from her in FGM leaving her with a destroyed marital conjugal network. Circumcision in man does not alter his sexual orientation ability articulations base. Fgm prostitution castration curse of honour by parents is a satanic sacrifice for men. Leviticus 19:28-29, 28 You shall not make any cuttings in your flesh for the dead, nor tattoo any marks on you: I am the LORD.29 ‘Do not prostitute your daughter, to cause her to be a harlot, lest the land fall into harlotry, and the land become full of wickedness. The flesh is cut in honour of the dead to keep women sexually halve dead crippled at home for men thus making king of marriage an honoured sexual scavenger and an intruder in satanic world. Proverb 14:1-2, 1The wise woman builds her house, But the foolish pulls it down with her hands.2 He who walks in his uprightness fears the LORD . But he who is perverse in his ways despises Him. Marital doors ( seals) and the fleshy alert notification aerial are scrapped out. The fountain of love is defiled in honour of the dead, Proverbs 5:18-19,18 Let your fountain be blessed ,And rejoice with the wife of your youth.19 As a loving deer and a graceful doe, Let her breasts satisfy you at all times; And always be enraptured with her love. Song of Solomon 4:12. A garden enclosed Is my sister, my spouse, A spring shut up, A fountain sealed. Satan has cheated men on fgm in the same manner Eve was cheated to eat the forbidden fruit when he approached Eve to be a help to her in eating the forbidden fruit to be like God affirming that God knew about it. Fgm is a satanic sacrifice by parents for men. The flesh is cut in honour of the dead to keep women sexually halve dead as sexual cripples at home in order to satisfy men’s demonic sexual ego to satanic cultural Chasity honoured. This is the enticing satanic cultural promise for men that a woman that is castrated in fgm will not be fornicator and un adulterous in life. Culturally assumed promiscuous life style of a woman is dealt with in fgm castration at altar of satan in honour of the dead with full parental honour. Nothing is done to men’s childhood manhood to curtail men’s promiscuous life style in cultures. This is the enticing satanic cultural promise for men that a woman that is castrated in fgm will not be fornicator and un adulterous in life. Nothing is done to men’s childhood manhood to curtail men’s promiscuous life style in cultures.

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